
广州Ruby开发者小组 / The Guangzhou Ruby Group

GZRUBY#13 July 17 - 7:30PM - Rails 4 & Beer

Here comes the GZRUBY night #13!! It will be held on next Wednesday, July 17th at The Strand Beer Cafe, starting at 7:30 PM.

第13次GZRUBY活动将于下周三,7月17号,晚上7:30在The Strand Beer Cafe如期举行!

Rails 4.0 Final Version released in last month, have anyone tried it in production? Or you are developing more in the Single Page App direction with Ember.js, Backbone.js or Angujar.js? Do bring your awesome slides/tips to GZRUBY.

Rails 4.0正式版上个月就发布了,有谁已经在生产环境下使用啦?还是你更喜欢Single Page App的方向呢?例如Ember.jsBackbone.js或者Angujar.js这些很棒的MVC Javascript库。记得带上你的主题或者好点子过来参加活动!

For this event, we are moving to The Strand Beer Cafe, open by Xurry @ Kude Labs, which is near the Wu Yang Cun Metro Station A Exit (Line 5). And we will have nice home-made beer & pizza there!

这次活动,我们将移师The Strand Beer Cafe,很靠近地铁五号线的五羊邨地铁站A出口。享用Xurry & David公婆制作的美味Pizza和啤酒!

时间/When: 星期三-7月17号 19:30 / July 17, 7:30 PM

地点/Where: 越秀区明月二路春风路福安家政对面士多店进 The Strand Beer Cafe

Ming Yue Er Lu, Chunfeng Lu, The Strand Beer Cafe

地铁/Metro: 五羊村A出口/Line 5 - Wu Yang Cun, Exit A

We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any topic ideas or plans, let us know on the mailing list.

