
广州Ruby开发者小组 / The Guangzhou Ruby Group

GZRUBY#11 March 20 - 7:30PM - Ruby 2.0

Two moons have passed, its ruby time again! This month’s gzruby meetup will be held next Wednesday, March 20th at the Kudelabs offices, starting at 7:30.

各位,两个月过去了,是时候再次聚会了!本月的gzruby meetup将会在2013年3月20号(下个星期三)7点半在酷德实验室准时举行。

Huge news since the last meetup - RUBY2.0.0 was released! As well as a security patch to 1.9.3. And on top of all of this excitement, Rails 4.0 is truly around the corner, as the first beta was just released!

自从上次聚会结束后出现了很多新玩意, ruby2.0.0的发布ruby 1.9.3的安全补丁。最令人兴奋的是Rails 4.0时代即将来临, Rails的第一个beta版!

So in light of all this new stuff, this month’s event is going to be all about Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4! Bring your demo apps, your favorite tutorials, your best examples. Teach us something new! Show us why we need to upgrade right away - we’re waiting :)

所以,这个月的主题的就是Ruby 2.0.0和Rails 4的!还等什么呢,带上你的demo,最爱的教程,最佳实践,来到这里与我们一起分享吧。我们在等着你。

时间/When: 星期三-3月20号 19:30 / March 20, 7:30 PM

地点/Where: Kudelabs 明月一路59号, 汉苑 西塔601

59 Ming Yue Yi Lu, Han Yuan West Tower, Apt. 601

地铁/Metro: 五羊村A出口/Line 5 - Wu Yang Cun, Exit A

We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any topic ideas or plans, let us know on the mailing list.

