各位,是时候再次聚会了!本月的gzruby meetup将会在2013年1月16号(下个星期三)7点半在酷德实验室准时举行。记得在你的日历上标记噢。
Yes, check your calenders! It’s ruby time folks. This month’s gzruby meetup will be held next Wednesday, Jan 16th at the Kudelabs offices, starting at 7:30.
最近我们遇到了很多刺激的事情。Rails在短短几天内发布了两个紧急安全补丁,分别是SQL 注入漏洞; XML 参数解析漏洞。另外Ruby也发布了最新的1.9.3升级:ruby1.9.3-p362。 仅仅这些都够我们忙活好一阵的了。
We’ve had a bit of excitement recently, with two security updates in quick succession. First the SQL Injection vulnerability, then the XML params vulnerability. Don’t forget a new ruby patchlevel just came out as well, ruby1.9.3-p362. These should all keep us busy for the rest of the week testing and upgrading our deployed servers.
同时在我们的邮件列表也有人在讨论怎么更好的组织聚会,怎么让我们变得更好。其中有一个建议是每次聚会都提出一个主题,以便让我们更好的组织演讲内容。这个月的主题是关于Asset Pipeline的使用。你是怎么在你的项目运用它的?SASS, SCSS, LESS? Bootstrap, YUI?如果你想分享你的经验的话,那就赶紧准备好你的演讲吧!
There’s also been some discussion on the mailing list about how to organize these meetings and make our community better. One suggestion was to give each meeting a theme, to make it easier for people to suggest topics. This month’s theme will be Asset Pipeline. How do you use it for your project? SASS, SCSS, LESS? Bootstrap, YUI? Bring your best practices, tips and tricks for us to share and learn from.
时间/When: 星期三-1月16号 19:30 / January 16, 7:30 PM
地点/Where: Kudelabs 明月一路59号, 汉苑 西塔601
59 Ming Yue Yi Lu, Han Yuan West Tower, Apt. 601
地铁/Metro: 五羊村A出口/Line 5 - Wu Yang Cun, Exit A
We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any topic ideas or plans, let us know on the mailing list.