
广州Ruby开发者小组 / The Guangzhou Ruby Group

Time for Meetup #6/第六次聚会

Ruby的乡亲父老们, 大家下午好哦! 距离上次的聚会快2个月的时间了, 这意味着, 我们又要见面了. 自从上次的聚会之后, Ruby社区又发布了一些新玩意, 像the mass-assignment security scandal, Ruby 1.9.3-p194, 和灰常有趣的ruby-on-iOS方法. 你在Ruby社区还发现了什么新玩意儿么? 咱们一起聊聊吧, 顺便和我们分享一下你在互联网开发的斗争史吧!

Good afternoon my good ruby compatriots! The third Wednesday of the second moon approaches, indicating that our time to gather is near. In the time since we’ve last met, some exciting new developments have surcfaced in the ruby community: the mass-assignment security scandal, Ruby 1.9.3-p194, and a very interesting ruby-on-iOS solution. What else have you seen in your ruby travels? Come, relax, share some fine ale and tell us your war stories from the world of web development.

时间/When: May 16, 7:30 PM

地点/Where:Kudelabs 明月一路59号, 汉苑 西塔601

地铁/Metro:五羊村A出口/Line 5 - Wu Yang Cun, Exit A


We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any topic ideas or plans, let us know on the mailing list.
